I believe in the work of the healer.
I believe it is our time to rise and share our work and our wisdom.
I believe in building a vessel that will carry it to the larger world.
I believe the time is now.
And I am ready to step in with you.
Because together, as one of my many teachers reminds me, We RISE.
Nearly 10 years ago, when I completed my first yoga teacher training, the advice I received around teaching, finding a gig, getting paid and figuring out a way to make some semblance of a “living” off this newfound skill of mine, was simply:
Offer it up. Teach anywhere, everywhere. Give it away. Give a class on the plaza. Your bedroom. Your friend’s garage. Put it out into the Universe and trust that It will provide.
With all love in my heart and due respect to the wonderful women who trained me, I can now say, a decade down the road, that this is some of the worst advice of my life.
I spent the first 6 years as a yoga teacher following this advice. I taught anywhere that would take me. Made next to nothing for my time. In turn, this added tension and frustration to my marriage. Furthermore, it made me doubt the value of my gifts, my skills, and my time.
Our work is valuable. Our gifts are needed in this world. And yet the same care we’ve taken to learn and hone these gifts needs and deserves the same self-care to share them with the larger world.
We spend so much energy as healers learning, honing and investing in our craft. We travel the country, oftentimes the world, taking workshops and seminars and extended certifications and trainings from teachers in our field. We invest hours, thousands of dollars, and our life’s energies to step fully into the work we’re called to do. And yet, all too often, when we’re called upon to turn this work into a viable and sustainable livelihood, the best we’re offered for marketing and sharing our work is a spitball formula of hackneyed and unproven methods that don’t serve us or take us to a place of sustainable growth.
We hang flyers. We print up our cards. We hold free events that don’t garner the type of inquiry or attention, or the right type of engaged and hungry clientele we seek. We dabble in the online arena. Toss money at Facebook ads and fill our feed with “Live Videos” and all caps-style “status updates” that are basically an ill-cloaked ad for our services. We throw the book at it, hoping that one of these avenues will yield something.
I remember at a certain point I made the decision to gain some expertise inside this area so I could translate my skills and passion into something that no longer felt like an expensive hobby. I’ve spent the past three plus years studying everything I could get my hands on: from marketing, to pricing structures; from building joy and ease into my work life and routine, to honing my message so as to reach the right people (my people who want and need what I have to give).
A while back when I asked a friend and client of mine what her particular marketing strategy was, she mentioned a goal she had was to generate a few more private clients. She told me that her main strategy was to close her eyes, take a deep breath, and clear a space internally for those perfect people to find her and her work. That was it.
I love this perspective. It is paramount that we get good and clear and aligned with our purpose and our calling in order to do the work of the healer. The first work we do must be an INSIDE JOB, before anything else. But the Inside work is not, in and of itself, enough.
Let me repeat.
The Inner/Inside work: visioning, holding space, calling in, communication with Source, invoking the Light, Opening to Grace, whatever this process entails for each of us, is not enough.
The Inner work must be met with the Outer work. The Vision must be fed by Action. And the holy jam sessions with Spirit must be followed up by conversations with our fellow (wo)men. Such as finding the people that need what we have to give, offering it up with language that they can understand, and crafting a clear and open Invitation for them to step in, say Yes, and inhabit the healing space that we’ve envisioned for them.
Beyond the vision for what we want to create, we must craft the space in which that vision can unfold. Just as we carefully select our music, our lights, our temperature, our tools and our accoutrements for the perfect healing to take place, so too, must we do the work of setting our work up to flourish and take flight. Craft a vehicle, a marketing vehicle, where optimal communication and engagement can take place.
I am learning still.
And I have so far to go.
But I have amassed some knowledge in this realm thus far.
And I want to share it with you.
Here in this community, we are surrounded by healers of all stripes and shades, many of whom are barely able to scrape by. I do not want to promise you instant riches. I cannot promise you success overnight. But I can promise you some insights and skills and community around this topic. I can promise you a renewed sense of hope and possibility inside your business and your calling and maybe even by extension, your Life.
Join me and learn about:
matching our inner vision to the outer work
crafting a vision for the type of work and livelihood we wish to create.
building up a clear voice and message around the work that attracts the people we desire to our field.
building support and camaraderie and skill-sharing along this path (we need it).
creating a reliable and sustainable method for generating clients;
creating livelihood around the work we’re called to in this world.
Amy Day is a longtime yogi, writer, herbalist, mama & lover of all things creative. She believes in crafting practices and communities, which supports us inside this Life right now and creating rituals and relationships that liberate, activate and sustain us. She works with groups and individuals that are hungry for transformation. The type that shows up, not just on the cellular or soul level, but that ripples into the world beyond. Through her work as a teacher, podcaster, healer, storyteller, etc. she hopes to inspire us all to use the mighty tools we all possess - to craft the type of world we wish to inhabit. One faltering and bless-ed step at a time. She offers her services as a holistic coach and creative business consultant. You can find out more about her, and the work she does over at TheWorkOfTheseHands.com

Come to My Intro Class and Learn More - Offered by donation
Wednesday May 15th from 7:00-8:30
We’ll come together to share, envision, and hone our messaging and strategies about our work. I’ll share a brief bit about what I’ve learned in the past few years of studying these things and offer opportunities for learning and growth in your own healing enterprise. If you resonate and want to learn more, I’m offering you beautiful Wholistic Heartbeat readers & healers a chance to go further and deepen this work together with a four-week, deep-dive coaching package to help you gain some momentum and clarity in this area of your work and world. Inside this container, we’ll meet once a week for an hour or so, and streamline your priorities, your message, and your outreach strategy so that you can gain some much needed traction & success. Right now it’s a discounted rate of $325.