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  • by Melinda Pedersen

An Invitation to Join

... a seat at the crone’s table

An Invitation to Join

Are you stalking the hot flash? Feeling tugged by the moon to not miss the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wisdom embodied in this spiral of womanhood? I am calling out to women just entering through the gates of menopause. Would you like to gather with other sisters beginning this journey to share, learn and explore this rite of passage leading to your seat at the Crones’ table?

This group will meet monthly around the new moon starting in October. We’ll use Christine Northrup’s book, The Wisdom of Menopause, as a guide to our conversations, while remaining open to inspired turns the gatherings could take.

If joining a circle dedicated to this theme speaks to you, please contact me at 707.499.7861.


Melinda Pedersen of ClarityBridge

The Power of the Crone

She enacts and teaches the truth — embracing the blessing of limitation she accepts Life’s new gift of freedom, she discovers her power to choose, to say a Positive No to the things she doesn’t want to do — She focuses on what matters most in her life, letting go of the excesses that drain her energies, she practices tender loving detachment as she discerns or confirms Where Home Is Where She Belongs What Her Heart’s Desire Is And What She Cherishes Most and embraces them and herself to the Full.

This poem is from the book

Accidental Wisdom by Alla Renée Bozarth, iUniverse copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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